Samstag, 21. Juli 2018

Filling gabs and having fun

Another week is over and it was really exhausting.
I worked again at the till and sort clothes, homeware articles and books.
Every two hours I had to fill the gaps in the shelves because many people are still buying book. We got different genres like fiction, crime, history, cookery etc.
Most of the time our customers are buying fiction and crime books.

I also sorted out the clothes which were longer thank two weeks in the shop and filled the gaps with new clothes.
This is my shop:

We got also a small selection of food like chocolate, coffee, jelly beans or tea.
Another not typical selection of goods are bird boxes, umbrellas und even toilet paper! 😂 Everything is made from the company Oxfam.
On Friday Alex and I went with my colleguage Jean and some friends to the Bonds bar. We danced and talked very much. It was really funny!
Jean also invited us to his BBQ on Sunday and I hope it will be so funny like on Friday.
Tonight Marco, Alex and I are going to make a bus tour in London at night.
And on Monday will start our last week in London...

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